Ambassador Baptist Church

Pastor Tom Fry Biography

Tom Fry grew up in the southern part of the State of Indiana. At the age of 16, he attended a Revival meeting where Dr. Bob Kelley was preaching. It was his first time to hear the gospel. He responded to the altar call, went forward, and knelt at an old fashioned altar. There he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Only a few weeks later, Brother Fry surrendered to the call to preach the Word of God. At the age of 18, he assumed his first pastorate. During his training at Moody Bible Institute and Tennessee Temple University, he pastored churches. He has pastored churches in Indiana, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Maryland. In recent days, he has spoken in Bible Conferences in several states and overseas. He is known for his evangelistic thrust and strong Bible preaching.    Pastor Fry Photo

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